

Welcome to my page MUSA XO

Welcome to this page

Let me as you a question

Were you told that if you were “good” and worked “hard” good things would happen to you?

Well, I did everything and anything you can imagine to be the perfect citizen, daughter, friend, sister, wife, cousin, student, employee, wife, and mother and was still waiting to feel blissful

I kept on searching, completed two masters degrees, had 2 children, 20 year marriage, 6 international moves, many friends, parties, dinners, picnics, concerts, travels, things such as blowdriers lol cars makeup, clothing, gifts, everything and anything a middle class raised girl can dream of, so in the material world, you could say I was incredibly successful, I am well liked and loved I was the valedictorian of my nutrition class and the “most valued student for the whole university of Puerto Rico honor’s program when I graduated, teachers loved me so much they invited me to their homes!

still inside something felt like an endless void

I didn’t understand how LIFE worked. I had all these comforts and achievements

But then what about all the suffering around me

what about the pain I felt insidiously and constantly, the emptiness in my heart,

how about children born to abuse and illness? how about the betrayal from my partner of 20 years?

how about putting your heart and soul unto a project or enterprise for it to be a complete failure?

I wanted to know how life truly worked, not what my religion class told me or what self-help experts said on their books

I wanted to know the code for life

So I became obsessed for over 20 years with studying the nature of reality, of life and of death

Why are we here,

what are we doing,

why do we suffer SO much, why do we hurt each other SOOO Much! why do we still have wars and trash the Earth, why do we hurt children, why are some born to abuse and illness, why why why? Why are people reckless about their own lives why why why

Day and night all I could think about what this, I would even hide from my parents and then from my kids and husband to read and study.

I became obsessed with the nature of reality and how to master it: how is it really that we create our life and why is it that sometimes life seems so brutally hard.

after endless hours, endless tears, endless notes and now more than 10,000 hours of conversations and consults around the topic of how we create the world we live and WHY are we HERE

I know one thing:


that’s it, that is the purpose of your life

but that sounds a bit vague or too grand, so the way I make it practical I dive it into two aspects

we all have a Mission and a Purpose

the mission has to do with what you came to serve

the purpose has to do with what you came to heal or integrate

Check out my free videos or book a private consult with me to understand the concept of aligning with your souls deepest yearning or LIVING YOUR TRUTH


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MUSA XO Glosary




Cuando tu alma fluye en el momento presente, textura emocional de claridad de propósito y alegría de SER.

When you are flowing the highest expression of yourself in the present moment. Your Muse is present.



No ser esclavo de tu propia mente, eliminar limitaciones internas, no temer a la vida.

To not be slave to your mind, to eliminate internal limitations and fully trust life.

Vivir tu verdad

Living your truth


Realizar tu potencial, servir al mundo desde tus talentos, capacidades y genio individual, sanar tus heridas.

To realized your potential, to serve humanity from your talents, capabilities and individual genius, to heal your wounds.

Bajarle el volumen al al autojuzgarte, tratarte con ternura como tratarías a un niño. Perdonarte y perdonar a otros.

To lower the volume of self-judgement and judgement to others. To forgive yourself and bring tenderness to your inner child.



Fortaleza de espíritu, que viene de vibrar en altos niveles de consciencia; tales como la paz, el amor, la alegría, la razón , el optimismo etc. Sabiduría de amor y valor personal, no miedo.

Fortitude of the spirit that comes from inhabiting high levels of consciousness such as peace, love, joy, reason etc. Knowing of your worth, no fear.



Amor hacia ti mismo, sin condición alguna de actuar o lucir de alguna manera en particular. Respeto por tu sabiduría personal.

Deep appreciation and respect for your own journey, love of self that excludes conditions of performance or appearance. Tacit knowing of your value.



Integrar en tu vida la sabiduría personal que has obtenido en tu camino, utilizarla para el mayor beneficio de tu linaje, comunidad y humanidad.

To integrate the personal wisdom you have gained on your journey and to use it to benefit your lineage, your community and humanity.



Soltar el puño, dejar de apretar, moverte a favor de la corriente de tu vida.

to stop gripping, to allow the stream of life to carry you at times.

